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User registration

Personal info

(es: day/month/year)
(if not applicable insert a random 16 character code e.g. 0000000000000000)

Account data

Choose your credentials (username and password). You will then be able to access your personal area to register for courses.



The following data will be reported in the invoices of the paid courses. By leaving the fields blank, the system will refer to the address and municipality of residence.

(if different from the VAT number)

(Required for electronic invoicing)

(Required for electronic invoicing)

Information and consent for the processing of personal data

Read the privacy policy

Spuntando la voce "Do il consenso" acconsento al trattamento dati ai sensi del Regolamento generale sulla protezione dei dati UE 2016/679 (GDPR) e del D.Lgs. n. 196/2003, così come modificato dal D.Lgs. n. 101/2018.


Terms and conditions

Read the terms and conditions of use of the portal


Information and consent for marketing treatment

Seleziona la tua preferenza per il consenso al trattamento dei tuoi dati per finalità di marketing (i.e. attività promozionale, commerciale e pubblicitaria).


* = required field.